What Do I Need for My New Baby?
Before my baby was born, I had no idea what was necessary. I could only think of diapers and bottles. Fortunately, I received various items at the baby shower, and they turned out to be useful. However, when the baby is actually born, you start to realize what is truly necessary and what is not.
One day, my son was still crying and in pain even after taking the antibiotics. So I took him to the emergency room.
The doctor at the ER said something completely different from the previous doctors. He said,
“Ear infections usually get better on their own, so you don’t need to give antibiotics. I would never give antibiotics to my own daughter if she had an ear infection.” He came over with a pencil and paper and explained to me why children are prone to ear infections. It’s because their Eustachian tubes are shorter, wider, and more horizontal compared to adults, making it easier for bacteria and viruses to enter.
I used Diaper rash ointment many times for diaper rash, and I often used Tylenol and Motrin for pain and fever. Since a baby’s skin is still delicate, I used baby products that were gentle, had minimal irritation, and had a mild scent.
At that time, I didn’t know about the Baby relief kit, so I bought each item separately. However, with this kit, everything is included, so I would recommend buying it or giving it as a gift to a friend who is expecting their first child.